Job description
Upper level CA Application |
Lineup Fall 2007
There is a short mandatory orientation meeting for all upper level CAs on Monday, September 17, 2007 at 8:30 in 507. For questions, please contact Oliver Knill knill\.
CA CA email Course Prof email Prof John Cobb johncobb@fas math23a bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Jeff Nanney jnanney@fas math23a bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Josh Green jtgreen@fas math23a bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Dennis Sun dsun@fas math23a bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Zhou Fan zhoufan@fas math23a bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Weijun Xu wxu@fas math23a bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Nike Sun nsun@fas math116 bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Charles Chen chen33@fas math116 bamberg@math Paul Bamberg Amos Lubin alubin@fas math114 ctm@math Curt Mc Mullen MenYoung Lee mylee@fas math55a gaitsgde@math Dennis Gaitsgory Dragos Michnea michnea@fas math25a weinkove@math Ben Weinkove Daniel Litt dalitt@fas math25a weinkove@math Ben Weinkove Anna de Bakker debakker@fas math25a weinkove@math Ben Weinkove Robin Walters rwalters@fas math101 jfd@math John Duncan Maanit Desai mdesai@fas math101 jfd@math John Duncan Jakub Scholtz jscholtz@fas math122 desole@math Alberto DeSole Jacob Sanders sanders@fas math122 desole@math Alberto DeSole Joey Armao jarmao@fas math122 desole@math Alberte DeSole Luca Candelori candelor@fas math121 lbieri@math Lydia Bieri Neal Wadhwa nealian@yahoo math124 harris@math Joe Harris Alexandra Michael amichael@fas math152 benesh@math Bret Benesh Jessee Geneson jgeneson@fas math152 benesh@math Bret Benesh Silas Richelson sirichel@fas math131 godin@math Veronique Godin Gerardo Con Diaz condiaz@fas math131 godin@math Veronique Godin Virginia Fisher virginia.fisher@gmail math131 godin@math Veronique Godin Poning Chen pchen@math math213a anicoara@math Andreea Anicoara Vinh Le Anh vinh@math math155r lauren@math Lauren Williams Dustin Clausen dclausen@fas math221 tfylam@math Thomas Lam Jay Pottarst jay@math math233a jay@math Jay Pottharst Valentino Tosatti tosatti@math math231a ddamjano@math Danijela Damjanovic Ruifang Song rsong@math math232a kronheimer@math Peter Kronheimer |
23a, Bamberg, Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I, MWF, 11 6 25a, Weinkove ,Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I, MWF, 10 3 55a, Gaitsgory, Honors Abstract Algebra, TTh, 1-2:30. 1 101, Duncan, Sets, Groups and Topology, MWF, 11 2 114, McMullen, Analysis II: Measure, Integ Banach Spaces , TTh, 10=9611:30 1 116, Bamberg, Convexity and Optimization with Applications, MWF, 2 121, Lydia Bieri, Linear Algebra and Applications, MWF, 12 1 122, De Sole , Algebra I: Theory of Groups and Vector Spaces, MWF, 1 3 124, Harris, Number Theory, MWF, 10 1 131, Godin, Topology I: Topological Spaces and the Fundamental, MWF 12 3 136, Sternberg, Differential Geometry, TTh, 10=9611:30 152, Benesh, Discrete Mathematics, MWF, 11 2 155r, (formerly Math. 192r). Williams, Combinatorics, TTh, 11:30=961 1 212ar, H.-T. Yau, Real Analysis, MWF, 10a 213a, Nicoara, Complex Analysis, TTh, 10-11:30 1 221, Lam, Commutative Algebra (New Course), MWF, 12a 1 230a, S.-T. Yau, Differential Geometry, MWF, 2 231a, (formerly Math. 272a), Damjanovic, Algebraic Topology, TTh, 1-2:30 1 232a, (formerly Math 260a), Kronheimer, Intro. to Algebraic Geom I, MWF, 1PM 1 233a, (formerly Math 261a), Mazur, Theory of Schemes I, TTh, 11:30=961 265, De Sole, Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, MWF, 11 273, Sternberg, Topics in Analysis and Mathematical Physics, TTh, 11:30-1 282, Safari, Introduction to Seiberg-Witten Theory, TTh, 1=962:30 283, Munson, Topics in Knot Theory, MWF, 12 288, Hopkins, Algebraic K-Theory, TTh, 10-11:30 |
Rooms for Sections , Fall 2007

Rooms for Lectures